Učebnice - Total English Advanced

04.06.2015 00:57

Slovní zásoba z učebnice Total English - Advanced. Slovíčka jsou uvedeny ve větách i s překladem. Slouží ke studijním účelům.

Unit 1 - Vocabulary (How much you know about st.)

What is the capital of the Czech Rep.? I can't tell you off the top of my head (z hlavy, z paměti). You should know thislike the back of your hand (znát něco velmi dobře). Learn it by heart (nazpaměť). Than you will be able to tell me all of them offhand (okamžitě). You should know it inside out (důkladně). If you don't know the capital of the Czech Rep., you know next to nothing (velmi málo) about it.


(I haven't a clue. I'm pretty sure. I've never heard of him. I haven't the faintest idea. I'm fairly positive. I'm certain)

Unit 2 - Phrasal verbs

Blue colour really caught on (ujmout se) last year. When I turned up (objevit se) at my home town everybody wore blue t-shirts. You can get on by (vyžít) 10 thousand a month there. It is easy to fit in (zapadnout).

I bought an old house there to do it up (zrenovovat). I had to fill in (vyplnit) some forms to get planning permission. This took months. Some bureaucrat held it up (zdržovat). After we got the permission, Mr Novák carried out (vykonat) most of the work.

came across (narazit, potkat) him when I was in pub. I didn't go there often at first but later I took to it (oblíbit si). When I was out off money my brother saw to (postarat se, zařídit) it. I got through (dokončit) the doing up at the end of the summer holiday.

I tried to keep up (držet krok) with the latest inovations. How easy I can get to information came down to (spočívat na..., záležet na . ..) my ability to use a computer. I can't get away (uniknout) from using it.


Unit 3 - Compound words

My wife is very single-minded (cílevědomá, soustředěná). She was always very self-sufficient (soběstačná). Never ever she's been asking anybody. But she is not thick-skinned (nebere si to osobně). She gets very angry when somebody criticises her. Not all people are so kind-hearted (laskavý) as her. At the party I was a little stand-offish (nespolečenský). My girlfried have just broken-up with me. She was career-oriented (orientovaná na kariéru) and liked her job more than me. Maybe she didn't like I am a bit absent-minded (roztržitý). I keep losing my keys all the time. She prefers level-headed men (rozumný, vyrovnaný).


(Robert is very single-minded (soustředěný). He doesn't distract himself. Not like me, I'm a bit absent-minded(roztržitý). Even though he is so kind-hearted (laskavý), he is also career-oriented (orientovaný na kariéru). A lot of people criticise him but he doesn't care, he is thick-skinned (má hroší kůži). People say he is rather stand-offish(odměřený). As a child I wasn't self-sufficient (soběstačný).)


Even though ma parents are warm personalities, sometimes they have got stormy relation. It seems that I amfollowing in their steps. My relationship was just taking off (začít úspěch, prorazit) when suddenly it came to thedead end (slepá ulička). I was feeling under the water. I had to decide what to do, I had reached a crossroads(mezník, rozcestí).

I was the one in the firing line (odpovědný) and I called the shots (rozhodovat o něčem). I had to have my sights set on (mít cíl).

Unit 4 - arrangements

Usually I am at a loose end (nemám co dělat) at weekneds but this Saturday I am up to go to the pub. On weekdays I am completely snowed under (práce nad hlavu). I lined up (naplánovat) to work less than 9 hours a day but there's no way it's going to work. Usually I am tied up (zaneprázdněný) each evening. Today everything goes ahead (pokračovat podle plánu) as planned. I hope than I will be able to get out of staying late at work. Or otherwise my today's date is going to fall through (neuskutečnit se). Should I call my fiancée and call it off? I hope nothing crops out (nečekaně se objevit). I am looking forward to putting my feet up (ralaxovat) and winding down (uvolnit se, zrelaxovat).


Unit 5

Unit 6 - Idioms


Gain - to obtain or achieve something:

Radical left-wing parties gained control of the local authorities.

We are hoping to gain a better understanding of the process.

Win over - to get someone's support/friendship by being nice to them:

The party worked hard to win over undecided voters.

He took her out to restaurant and she was completely won over.

Be impressed by - feel admiration and respect for:

We were very impressed by the standard of her work.

The chief executive was impressed by your presentation.

Play an important part in - to have a big effect:

Diet plays an important part in helping people live longer.

Everyone form the cleaners to the management played an important part in this year's financial success.


6.2/3 Fashions and fads

Using teenagers really to find out what's in (is fashionable at the moment) and what isn't.

...anywhere they thought trends might kick off (start).

They experiment and they automatically home in on the new (focus/direct their attention towards something).

Anything bigger than a few inches is out (is unfashionable at the moment).

Text messaging caught on (became popular and fashionable) because...

...all of these things came about (happened) because of the needs of kids.

And what's coming up (is going to happen in the feature) on the horizon?

...if you want to keep up (know the most recent developments) the latest style of trainers...


6.3/7 Personal characteristics

Charismatic - charismatický (nadaný osobním kouzlem, přitažlivý)

Inspirational - inspirační, inspirující

Dignified - důstojný

Aloof - odměřený, chladný, rezervovaný

Idealistic - idealistický

Tireless - neúnavný, čilý, vytrvalý

Trustworthy - důvěryhodný, spolehlivý

Resolute - pevný, rozhodný, rázný, energický

Lacking in drive and energy - opp. to Tireless

Waver (váhat) in the face of problem - opp. to Resolute

Approachable (přístupný) - opp. to Aloof

Corrupt (zkorumpovaný) - opp. to Trustworthy

Nondescript (nevýrazný, nevyhraněný, těžko popsatelný/zařaditelný) - opp. to Charismatic

Down-to-earth (realistický, přízemní, všední, každodenní) - opp. to Idealistic

Not very inspiring - op. to Inspirational

Lack gravitas (váženost, úcta) - opp. to Dignified


6.3 Idioms 2

Had one's hands full - have a lot of difficult tasks to do

To be an old hand - be very experienced in at doing something

Landed on one's feet - get into a good situation because you're lucky

Be rushed off one's feet - be extremely busy

It all came to a head - it reached such a bad situation that something has to be done

Have got a good head for business - be naturally good at commercial matters

Have interests at heart - to want what is best for someone or something

Heart sank - suddenly feel very disappointed

Face the music - take responsibility for something bad

Save face - avoid losing the respect of other people



Although I am an old hand (zkušený) at English, I have my hands full (být zaneprázdněn) with learning new idioms. So much work, so little time. But I've landed on my feet (uspět -mít štěstí) with my new textbook. I've been rushed off my feet (být zaneprázdněn) all morning looking for a bookshop where I could buy it. I was desperate and tired. It allcame to a head (vyvrcholit). I have to do something. My mum always told me I've got a good head for business (jsem dobrý v ...). So I placed an advertisement in a newspaper. It was really expensive. The publisher has only his interests at heart (mít něčí blaho na mysli). When at the evening nobody called, my heart sank. I won't learn new idioms and will have to face the music (čelit důsledků)What should I do to save the face (zachovat tvář)? Please help me :-)


Unit 7

Unit 8

Unit 9

Unit 10



  • stroll - to walk in a slow relaxed manner, especially for pleasure
  • strut - to walk in a proud way trying to look important (prostitute)
  • march -
  • stride - to walk somewhere quickly with long steps
  • trudge - to walk slowly with a lot of effort, especially over a difficult surface (snow) or while carrying something heavy
  • traipse - to walk from one place to another, often feeling tired or bored-


  • glimpse -to see something or someone for a very short time or only partly (not intentional)
  • glance - to give a quick short look (intentional)
  • peek - to look, especially for a short time or while trying to avoid being seen
  • peer - to look carefully or with difficulty


  • tired >>> fatigued (formal) >>>> exhausted >>>> shattered (informal)

